Friday, February 24, 2006

Drip, drip …flood
I measured the water which is leaking from the tube to the washing machine. Half a liter in 24 hours. When Rob came home yesterday evening we decided to change the washer. Despite both having fathers who could make, mend and invent (yes really!), Rob and I come out in a cold sweat and draw straws if a light bulb needs changing. He remembered to turn the tap off at the wall. The tap doesn’t work, so as he unscrewed the tube, water came gushing out. The force of the water was too great to get the tube back on again so he tried to stop the flow with his thumb. Water showered everywhere, he was soaked, so he had to run round the back and turn off the water at the mains. You wouldn’t believe how far water can stretch, as Rob said (he’s been on a fire fighter’s course) ‘A little bit of blood, fire and water goes a long way’. I really needed to know that. Anyway we mopped up and I put the measuring jug back. It’s now leaking three quarters of a liter in 12 hours.

Tomorrow we’re off in search of a now tube. How much would you like to bet we get it wrong again?

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