Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My memoirs
When I used to work in a bank I could remember numbers quite easily, the internal 8 figure account numbers were no problem, I memorized lots of them. Now I am ‘a certain age’ it’s no use asking me to remember anything with a number in. If I was kidnapped by a gang eager to empty my credit cards they would have to torture me to death and they still wouldn’t get my number off me, I wouldn’t be able to tell them it. It would be no use searching my pockets and my bag, I don’t carry the number with me . I just remember the pattern the number makes on the keyboard. It’s the same for all of my code numbers. I wonder if, as we get older, we use our memory in a different way?

In July 2004 I started a memory book, just a note book to write things down so that I wouldn’t forget them.. After the entry on 30th May 2005 (research after effects of whooping cough!), I mislaid the book until this weekend. Perhaps I should have written in the book where I put it?

It was quite interesting to see what I felt I needed to remember: One of the first entries was ‘pizza in oven’, I must have been in a bad state that day. On 15th August 2004 the Pope visited Lourdes, I wonder why I wrote about that? A similar theme on the 25th ‘What colour is your God?’ I do remember writing about Randy the Dolphin, the fire fighter’s calendar this year has a photo of two of their divers swimming with Randy in the port. They helped to get him back out to sea safely. I put a note to remind Andre to feed his Mum’s cats in October. January 2005 brought a reminder to write thank you letters, that still stands now! Why did I write ‘Balding: folliclely challenged’? In February one of the heaters in the living room wasn’t working, Our neighbour came and changed the fuse (I’m ashamed to say we hadn’t thought of the fuse) just in time for a very cold spell of weather. I took the book when I went on my ‘How to write a CV course’ Then follows a few addresses where I sent my excellent CV’s. On the 29th March I wrote that websites are one of the most accurate ways of seeing the writer’s personality. I think you could judge me as a bit strange after reading this post.

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