Thursday, November 10, 2005

I’m back!
We now own a super slim monitor by Atlantis Land (never heard of them). Is it super clear because of my new glasses or because it is super clear? We were all a bit lost. I didn’t see Dom all weekend because she was reading in her room, she usually comes out from time to time to chat with friends or do school work. During the holidays she decided to enter two short story competitions, fortunately she’d finished the first before the monitor blew up. She usually writes her ideas up in longhand first, so has got ahead with her notes for the second story. I was just getting the hang of writing AdWords so I was frustrated to be without a computer for so long. Rob and I went to a cyber café on Monday Morning for an hour. So now I know what that’s like. It was interesting to use a different computer for a change. All that rests of the original set up are the speakers.

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