Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Two Interviews
The first was on Friday at an estate agents. I think the interview went well enough, but the job was not for me; firstly you are paid to work 35 hours on minimum wage, but in fact you are expected to work up to thirty more hours a week. You also need to be ‘pushy’ and able to sort out disputes between clients . I don’t really fit that profile.

Job number two was at the airport. Helping English tourists with queries and questions about where to go, how to do this, that, buy a house etc. I really would have loved to have worked there. Unfortunately, the young lady who has set up the agency has only been there a month, business just starting to really pick up in the last week, so it is too early for her to take on anyone at the moment. We had a very pleasant chat anyway and she asked if I would be available to work the odd hour or so if she needed help, I told her yes as I’m free at the moment. So perhaps there is something there in the future.

I also have a project in hand. To take an examination as an assistant librarian for the state. In France if you have had three children, age and qualifications can be overlooked (my qualifications are from the English system). I have to go to the unemployment agency to see if I can get my studies paid for and what they think of my project. With that examination I would be able to work in school and university libraries, if there aren’t anymore government cuts, that is…

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