Saturday, May 01, 2004

Up to date
I was so tired on Thursday evening, I was in bed asleep by half past eight. I’ve had no time to look at what you are all doing. I hope that I haven’t missed too much excitement. Next week I’ll be teaching a retired couple English from scratch. They want to visit one of their children in China and have decided that they will get by with English.

Dom wants to go back to Russia. She had such a great time. The family she was staying with made me some place mats and lace doily’s. They also sent us some liquor, Balsam(?) which is very strong and is lovely in coffee.

Other than that, the weather has disintegrated again. I will bore you all the story that we went for a swim the first year we lived here on May 1st. It was too hot!

I almost forgot, it is my blog birthday soon. I’m not sure of the date because some of my posts were lost when we tried to put comments boxes on the blog for the first time. How simple that job would seem now. The first post is dated 12.05.03 so I suppose that will have to be my blog birthday.

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I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties