Monday, May 31, 2004

Sad weekend
This weekend there was a rather nasty road accident not far from a school I used to work in the North of the department. Five young people dead but the driver has survived. No alcohol was involved but first tests show that the driver was under the influence of drugs. He fell asleep.

Sometimes I’ve come across talk on drugs on the blogs I’ve visited. Often there is a comment that people should be allowed to do what they like with their bodies, what about the bodies of your friends? What about your parents, children, brothers and sisters? Okay, you can do what you want with your body on the condition you have no relatives of friends.

And what about all those babies that are born heroin addicts? I heard an ex-addict talking the other day on the radio. She said that you’re not really interested in sex when you’re addicted so you don’t bother about contraception………

Sorry, I have to have a little rant from time to time.

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