Friday, April 09, 2004

Norton update
I’m writing this on Thursday afternoon on word, Norton has deactivated itself again. Hopefully Rob will do as Jessica suggested and go to have the system analyzed on line. He’s also going to try downloading a free anti virus. Mr. Norton, we do have more interesting things to do in life you know.

Thank you for the helpful suggestions everyone

Not lucky day
I went to the supermarket today, as I do every ten days. When I got home the workmen were outside the house preparing to tarmac the road that they dug up a few weeks ago. I had to park round the side of the house and take the shopping over the wall to get it into the house (I didn’t want to leave it in the car as it’s started to get hot in the sun), fortunately we have a low wall. My back which was almost better, has started to hurt again. I carried a box of bottles round to the front door and a young workman had parked his van close to the wall in front of the gate, I managed to squeeze through, I was getting a little bit hot under the collar by then. The result was that I spent the whole morning on the shopping.

Olivier had a great day on his field trip
Not that he was that interested in what they were supposed to be doing. For lunch the college is supposed to provide a picnic for all who normally go to the canteen, from experience we know that the school picnic isn’t what you could call exactly designed for hungry, growing teenagers. Olivier requested sandwiches from the supermarket, ham and emmental. Well okay, saves me making them. I felt a little bit guilty, what will they think of a Mother who can’t even provide sandwiches on a once a year trip? Out of a class of 27, there were only five eating home made. Even one of the teachers had that little plastic triangular box in her bag.

Garden update

I took a little tour of the garden yesterday. There’s a lot going on at the moment. The irises are just starting to show signs of flowering and the wisteria has plenty of buds. A little thing that pleased me a lot was that I found some violets. I didn’t plant them. Our old neighbour was a keen gardener and I think that somehow seeds came across to us. It was a lovely surprise, I’m not going to pick them so that they spread. . Looking at the size of the plants, it’s going to be a good year for hollyhocks too. Yesterday when Dom was helping me with my photo I found some lovely ones of the garden that Rob took last year. I’ll try to get her to help me post them on the site.

Football (soccer)
Olivier spends a lot of time watching snips of films from past matches and studying games on the computer. Just by chance he’d been watching a goal by Thierry Henry (who else?) in a past match and noticed the same moves in a game. When he checked it out, yes they were the same! I suppose they use real moves all the time, but it’s quite a coincidence he should find the two almost at the same time.

Not a brunette!
Thank you to all those who commented on my picture. I really am a real blonde. Does anyone else dream about their blogger friends, like I do?

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