Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Fifth line, page 23
As seen at Life after NEXCOM and the Chucklehut.

I’m reading two books at the moment, Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, lets see page 23:
« Quand j’ai eu perdu ma pauvre défunte, j’allais dans les champs pour être tout seul; je tombais au pied d’un arbre, je pleurais, j’appelais le bon Dieu, je lui disais des sottises; j’airais voulu être comme des taupes, que je voyais aux branches, qui avaient des vers leur grouillant dans le ventre, crevé, enfin. »
Trust me to find the longest sentence in the book !

I’m also reading (still, because I fall asleep after one page) The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams:
“Ford slapped a five pound note on the bar.”

Cassie-b has been talking about making soup out of leftovers, it reminded me of the house hold tips that used to be published in magazines:
  • If you don’t want your ice cubes to stick together pour some fizzy water onto them.

  • To make your Wellingtons shine, rub them with a mixture of vinegar and water (Didn’t you always want to know that?)

Have you got any trusted tips to pass on?

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