Friday, April 02, 2004

Busy day
Yesterday was one of the busiest days my blog has ever had. Thank you.

The chernobyl entry left me with some interesting comments:
In France we used to have advertisements telling us that we didn’t have electric cookers, drills, heating etc., we had nuclear cookers, drills heating etc. It didn’t last too long. I seem to remember hearing that people who live near nuclear power stations in France don’t pay local taxes because the revenue is so great from the sale of electricity. I know that the UK buys some of it.

Talking about thyroid problems, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in the mid nineties I was amazed at how many of my French friends had had cysts removed from their thyroids. One of them was a nurse who had discussed this at length with the specialist. He had definitely had more business since chernobyl. One lady I know had had cancer and her thyroid was removed. Just as she moved away from the village she had discovered that the cancer had spread to her nasal passages. I’m afraid we didn’t keep in touch.

ON a lighter note, our thyroid specialist is gorgeous!!

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