Thursday, March 25, 2004

Doctor’s visit
Had a tetanus vaccination too. The doctor looked at my TSH figures chart and agreed to put my medicine down by 25 micrograms. It doesn’t sound like much but it can make a lot of difference. I’ll go back in three months and them get a letter for a check up with the specialist. On the down side, my blood pressure is even higher, hope the change in medicine will help that too. Am I stressed about anything. I don’t think so? I miss working during the day but I’m quite well occupied visiting all of you wonderful friends.

Michelle made a helpful remark about exercise which got me thinking: Last year I was at college three days a week, I had two flights if stairs to go up and down several times a day. I never sit when I'm in class and am constantly moving around the room. I also had four hours with primary school groups. That meant a lot of action songs and games and constantly moving around the room to supervise drawings, writing etc. This year I have small groups of two or three around a table and I'm sat the whole time. As I work in the evening I don't get home till after eight most evenings, by the time we've eaten and supervised homework going out for a walk isn't really on.
That's why I'm not losing weight!

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