Friday, February 06, 2004

The Common Cold Unit
This morning I turned my radio on to BBC radio 4 to hear a program about the Common cold Unit. The Common Cold unit was opened in 1945 in order to find a cold cure. I spent 10 days there in May 1984. At that time they were researching a medicine to ease the symptoms of flu. I was given flu and placebo tablets. Fortunately I was given real medicine for the cough that I developed. During the days we could do as we pleased so my flat mates and I went for long walks in the beautiful country side which surrounds Salisbury. Some of the paths follow the old Roman Roads. It was a great place to stay, believe it or not. Why did I chose to go there? I’m against experiments on animals and I though it was a good way to make a positive contribution to medical research. The program bought back some good memories.

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