Friday, August 08, 2003

In the middle of the night
I wake up with the most brilliant ideas for posts. Why can't I remember them? I can't run to the computer because , as it's the holidays Dom is on till the early hours. It's the only time she gets to be on her own as everything she does is top secret
I heard that one of Dom's friend's Mothers thinks that I'm irresponsable for letting my daughter on the internet late into the night. She might meet a rapist or something. Sorry, that just about puts all American males out of bounds as they only use the internet at night (looking at it from our timezone point of view) I just happen to know that her daughter, who always goes to bed early and never talks to strangers etc., had to go to the school nurse for a morning after pill. At least I know where my daughter is and what she's doing. I also have confidence in her choice of friends and boyfriends (Is that okay Dom?)

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