Wednesday, July 28, 2004

A bit sad...
As anyone who reads this regularly knows, I enjoy playing with my blogshares.  Recently all of the hot tops have been, well, hot.  I have a personel rule that I check out the blogs before I buy the shares.  I don't bother anymore.  I hope they'll have some good wholesome writing again before long.
AOL9  often goes off.  It's very good and restarting itself and then saying Success.  Perhaps if someone could tell them it would be even more Successful if they just stayed connected.

Carina Martin
I don’t know who this lady is, but for several years now we’ve been receiving National Statistics magazine in her name at our address.  It’s a great magazine for snippets for lessons and just an interesting read.
 This month there was a letter about the very first bug in a computer, you can see it here.  The letter was written because of a fascinating article about Admiral Hopper.  One of the first geeks perhaps?  In the nicest possible way.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Olivier helped with the painting.
Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Sleep:: yes please
  2. Stats:: numbers
  3. Portfolio:: papers
  4. Lipton:: yellow
  5. Telly:: selly
  6. Immigrate:: move
  7. Viable:: worth it
  8. Serene:: calm
  9. Mountain:: snow
  10. Natalie:: colleague 

The return of the Xbox
While we were in England, Olivier bought four new Xbox games.  They are cheaper in the UK  Unfortunately we were away for two weeks, two weeks is a long time to wait when you’re 13.  When we arrived home the first thing Olivier did was get out the new games and turn on the beloved box.  The drawer jammed.  He was very good about it.  He got straight on to Microsoft and thanks to the guarantee, organized collection and repairs.  Rob and I were so relieved, we didn’t need to do a thing!

The Xbox came home today, two weeks later.
He ain’t here
Mike and Hélène will be marrying in New York next week.  All the papers have come through on time.

Olivier spends a lot of time hanging round (you can’t really say playing when you’re talking about 13 and 14 year olds) with Hélène’s brother, Fabien.  Last week Mike’s mother phoned and Fabien answered.  As he didn’t understand a word she said he passed her to Olivier.  Olivier’s knowledge of American English comes from '50 cents' and Ice hockey games.  “He ain’t here” he told her.  My son is so charming.
I forgot to report on Christian’s well being.  He loves his new job and is loved by the ladies he works with and the customers.  It was so good to come home having seen him so well and happy again.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Wet Paint
I'm decorating at the moment.  Hope to be back soon.

Monday, July 19, 2004

The most useful site I've seen for  long time
As I'm in my late forties now I do worry a bit about my health especially as my Dad was diabetic and he died of cancer.  This site is so useful for calculating the chances of having a range of problems.  AND you get sensible advice, just watch those averages go down when you click on the box!

I’ve been soooo good
over the last 24 hours.  I’ve cleaned out the washing machine room.  This mainly involved moving bags of teddies into the garage.  This morning I made two trips to the tip (not with teddies I hasten to add) with school books and papers dating back from 1993.  Three children produce a lot of paper.  I’m sure I could find more to go but I have a husband who insists on keeping every last item.  You know the idea; “That broken plate might just come in useful one day.”
 Please don’t suggest using broken china to add drainage to plant pots, I all ready know that one.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

 Unconscious Mutterings
  1. Nostalgia::  old times 
  2. Irreplaceable::  precious 
  3. Odd::  bizaare
  4. James Spader::  who? 
  5. Flamboyant::  eccentric
  6. Intense::  heavy 
  7. Simple::  plain 
  8. Septic::  doubtful 
  9. Ton::  weight 
  10. Turkey::  Christmas 

If you love books you must visit Hay-On-Wye.  There are lots of curious second-hand bookshops.  We started off with the ‘Honesty’ bookshop;  The books are on large metal bookshelves in the castle grounds, open to the elements, you just browse and make your choice.  There must be thousands of books to choose from.  Some of them have been damaged by the rain.  Rob found me a 1942 edition of  ‘Rebecca’ by Daphne Du Maurier.  When you’ve finished you put your money in a box; one price for hardbacks, another for paperbacks.
Rob and the boys had to Drag Dom and me from the ‘Largest second-hand bookshop in the world’.  We went down into the basement and got stuck into the languages section.  Dom found a Chinese/Russian dictionary.  I found a Russian phrase book which was so well done Dom could actually understand what I was trying to say!  There were books on teaching English as a foreign language.  Some of them very old.  I’m pleased to see I already have an important ‘ingredient’, enthusiasm.
 Dom and I were sad to leave Hay-On-Wye, but the boys wanted some ‘real’ shops.
We can do new things now
Like experiment with Font and colour.  Why haven't they got Comic?  It's my favourite

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Crippling:: crutches
  2. Tough:: meat
  3. Slinky:: lycra
  4. Slogan:: ad
  5. Stuffed:: chicken
  6. Instructions:: help
  7. Expletive:: deletive
  8. Cartoon:: toons
  9. Toddler:: baby
  10. Insinuation:: sly
Girl talk
Went to have my "well woman" tests today. Don't go for a smear the day before your period is due. The thingy starts it off and them they can't do it and then you have to go back next week. I bet you'll all tell me you already knew that.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

If the ring comes off a ring-pull can how do you open the can, safely?
Quiz time

Earth girl
You are a true nature girl!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I found this on Mary Lou's site
Wine Whine
Buzz and the Empress went to a really great sounding wine tasting. I recently heard that the most popular wines in Britain are not French. In France we can only buy French wine. I've probably said this before but I keep hearing about the New World wines and I loved Californian wine when I lived in England back in the early 80's. Grrr!

Track back still doesn't work
I quite enjoyed flying.
Although it was only for an hour at a time. My ears popped a lot despite the strawberry creams I sucked. On the way over, my left ear became very painful and was still popping for nearly a week. My left ear is popping now, hope it doesn't go on for a week this time.
Darwin’s daughter
When we visit Malvern priory I like to look at the old grave stones. A lot of them are unreadable now, being a couple of hundred years old. I was very surprised to see an elderly lady tending one of the graves. She came up to me and asked if I was interested in History. She told me about the grave she had been looking after; It was the Grave of Anne Darwin, who was brought to Malvern by her father, Charles Darwin, when she was ten years old to take the cure. She had T.B., unfortunately she died and was buried at the Priory. The lady told me that although she’d lived there for over 50 years she didn’t know about this until recent years. She lives in a flat which contains the room where Anne died.

Looking again at the grave stones I could see that a lot of people were from other parts of England, a lot of them were women and girls.

The cure consisted of drinking lots of water and walking the hills. I think you’ll agree that a lot of people would benefit from that today.
Back again !
We arrived home on Monday just 11 hours after leaving Malvern, it used to take 2 days.
The weather was dreadful, although we didn’t have too much rain, it was cold and one night there was a storm. We got to see all of the family and visited lots of places. We shopped in Gloucester and Cheltenham, lots of agreeable changes in those two towns. We visited Gloucester cathedral to see the cloisters where the corridor scenes from the Harry Potter films were recorded.
My mother in law made it to the top of the Malvern hills. She’s 81 and was surprised at her own fitness. There used to be a tea room up there but it burnt down and the law prevents a new one from being built.